After the second World War the Government of the day handed the airport back to the original owners. The Taylor family. It had been updated and tar sealed. It also now featured crossed runways.
Also in 1946 Western Junction Airport or (Launceston Airport) which was still a grassed strip became muddy and boggy during stormy weather, so the Civil Aviation Department was directing planes to Valleyfield which was large enough to land a DC3 aircraft on.
Taylor didn't see any Justification to him in this as the Commonwealth had stopped paying any rent. So after a few days he left a gate open and his cattle roamed onto the airstrip, forcing the planes to divert to Hobart.
The main commercial compary affected was the Launceston based Australian National Airlines. Taylor refused to allow the Commonwealth to bully him into removing his cattle. He decided he would lease the land to Motorsport organization's to hold race meetings.
Research and Editorial: Allan Baker
Speedway racing events were held on property owned by Mr R R Taylor, These meetings consisted of Stock Car Racing.