In the sixties a series of tracks, some used only briefly,were scratched out of the landscape either in sandy area's in amongst tree's and wet lands or on the Koombana tidel flats known as Paddy's Blunders, The location name came from the result of an early settler using a small island to raise pigs on, rightly named by the locals as pig island, his aim was to save on fencing because it was an island, only trouble was the pigs tried to swim back to the mainland but drowned, thus locals then refered to the area as Paddy's Blunders.
Blunders was almost always under water and cars had to be fitted with chains around their tyres so they could race in the mud. they were purpose built unlicienced mud scramble cars and utes.
Model A Ford's, Chev's, Desoto's and Dodge's, Plymouth's and a 1940 Ford ute driven by Colin Resta. the sloshy competion was governed by the tides but the club still managed to get in about eight race meetings per year.
During this period other tracks were built for one or two events in sandy or swampy areas mainly in the Eaton foreshore area.
Blunders was almost always under water and cars had to be fitted with chains around their tyres so they could race in the mud. they were purpose built unlicienced mud scramble cars and utes.
Model A Ford's, Chev's, Desoto's and Dodge's, Plymouth's and a 1940 Ford ute driven by Colin Resta. the sloshy competion was governed by the tides but the club still managed to get in about eight race meetings per year.
During this period other tracks were built for one or two events in sandy or swampy areas mainly in the Eaton foreshore area.
(Editorial Brian Lee)
When we first started racing at Blunders a driver went out and carved out a circuit on the flood plain prior to the days racing, this would just be a narrow track at the start of the day, but by the completion of the event it was much wider, As the meetings continued the winner of the previous race day would have the honour of marking out the next track.
Colin Resta recalls: the first race meeting at Blunders roll cages were optional but buy the end of the day the club had re-assessed that rule, I was the one that rolled my convertable ute over and ended up lucky to be alive after being crushed under the windscreen frame.
1960 - Colin Resta in his number 4 Ford Sidevalve V8 ute that he raced at Blunders. Photo: Brian Moyle.
1960 - Colin Resta wide open in the V8 ute ripping up the mud. first meeting just before the rollover. Photo: Robert Britza.
1960 - A street parade of cars from the Bunbury Car Club headed up by Vern Karlsen in his DeSoto prior to the first mud scramble meeting at Blunders. Photo: Brian Moyle.
1960 - Sam Goddard in the number 20 scrambler at the opening meeting. Photo: Brian Moyle.
1960 - Jim Wilson in the number 14 Chrysler Plymouth rips up the flood plains. Photo: Brian Moyle.
1960 - unknown in the number 2 shortened up wheelbase machine. Photo: Brian Moyle.
1960 - Photo: Brian Moyle.
1960 - Meet me at Koombana painted on the car from the street parade. Photo: Brian Moyle.
Memories of Bunbury facebook pictorial feature
Photo's: through the lens of Robert Britza's Kodak Box Brownie when he was about 11 years old.
Colin Resta Recalls: during one of the race days at Blunder I noticed as I was racing the steering wheel was getting closer to me. After I finished the race I found the old Fords chassis rails were that rusty that they were bending. Yeh fixed it ! I bolted two grader bars along the chassis and went racing again at the next meeting. That salt got to all the cars after a while.
1960's - Colin " Roo Dog " Resta and Vern " Wimpy " Karlsen trying to syke each other out. Photo: Brian Moyle.
Memories of Bunbury Photo feature
1960's - A day out at Paddy's Blunders. Photo Brian De Passey.
Some wheel to wheel action through the esses. Photo: unknown.
Unknown driver. Photo: unknown.
The start line at Blunders. Photo: unknown.
Unknown driver in the stripped down scrambler. Photo: unknown.
Unknown driver. Photo: unknown.
1960's - BOB MARTIN
Bob Martin testing out his scrambler on the made up track. Photo: unknown.
Eddy Shackles takes on one of the many trees at Blunders in his brand new sidevalve V8 powered scrambler. Photo: unknown.
1960 - Winter in Colin Resta's Ford ute. Photo: Brian Moyle
1960's - Vern Karlsen looks on while an unknown driver gets ready for the mechanics race. Photo: Brian Moyle.
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Brian Moyle recalls: at the age of about five I can recall being in Bunbury on school holidays with my cousin Frank and my two uncles staying at Koombana Caravan Park, One morning I can recall awaking to the sound of cars roaring around outside and close by, we were soon off to the mud flatts to watch these lunitics roar around a crude track in the mud, the other thing i remember was as we got closer the noise got louder and cars got bigger and more scary, anyway we didn't stay too long, i think i made sure of that, funny how things turn around, as i got older i became addicted to machinary, noise mud. Thanks to my cousin Frank.
1960's - Clive Morgan with his V8 Powered Scrambler prior to a days racing. Photo: Brian Moyle.
1960's - unsure of the driver of the 16 car. Photo: Brian Moyle.
1960's - unknown driver of the number 50 car. Photo: Brian Moyle.
Around the Blunders period the Bunbury Car Club has been reported as cutting 3 very crewed sandy and swampy tracks, the drivers would race amoungst the trees and through some swampy areas in the Eaton area, these tracks were generally only used for a brief period.
The Eaton oval track was beleived to have been situated on the Eaton foreshore were the Eaton Hall now stands.
The Hamilton Road track is now a home for many water birds in the area, it is the swampy area at the Hamilton Road, Eagle Crescent and Millard Street junctions.
The other track has been described as being in a swampy area near the new Eaton Fair shopping centre, possibly where the Council Chambers have been built. These track may have used only once or a few times at best, the search is still on to pinpoint these sites.
The Eaton oval track was beleived to have been situated on the Eaton foreshore were the Eaton Hall now stands.
The Hamilton Road track is now a home for many water birds in the area, it is the swampy area at the Hamilton Road, Eagle Crescent and Millard Street junctions.
The other track has been described as being in a swampy area near the new Eaton Fair shopping centre, possibly where the Council Chambers have been built. These track may have used only once or a few times at best, the search is still on to pinpoint these sites.
Vern (Whimpy) Karlsen on the far left raced a very stripped down Desoto. Photo: Brian Moyle collection.
1960's - The Hudson family have been around since the inception of the Bunbury Car Club, all of the earlier general membership meeting were held in there home in central Bunbury. The Club has honored the family by naming its Club person of the year award after firstly Nanna and Pop Hudson, Then Syd Hudson and then the two boys, John and Terry. This award still continues today but has been stalled by Covid. Photraprapher: unknown.
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Eddy Logan Pictorial feature
Eddy Logan recalls: as a young fella not even 17 years old and living in Eagle Cressent I would drive my A Model Ford race car down Eagle Cressent to the mud scramble track on Hamilton Road do the days racing and drive it straight back home again.
Eddy the teenage racer with his good mate Ted Brittan |
Eddy & sister outside the Eagle Cres home |
Photo's from the Eddy Logan collection.
Brian Lee recalls:My brother George at the time was racing Super Modifieds in Perth as Bunbury was only interested in mud scrambles, so with my other brother Terry they would set off to Perth flat towing the race car behind there road car, as I was in the army at the time and based in the east I only attended there racing when I was on leave, one of those times I was home I attended a club meeting at Pop Hudson house in the lounge room and put forward a suggestion that Bunbury should go hard track racing, The commitee of the day after a period saw merrit in this idea and Pop Hudson said, we will have to move as we will never be able to build a speedway at Blunders. So the search was on, thats when a chance meeting between the club committee and Reg Blick happened, Reg was kind enough to loan the club some of his land behind his caravan park to build this Hot Rod Track on.
Memories of Bunbury facebook photo feature |
The circuit was located on the East side of the Koombanna Caravan Park, access to the race track was via Hay Street near the centre of Bunbury past the East side of the railway station and shunting yards (commonly known as the plug) around to Koombanna Bay.
Koombanna Drive as we know it today did not exist in those days, it was put in later as a more direct traffic entrance to the Bunbury town centre, a railway line to service the new inner harbour port facility,
1962 John Dix recalls: Holidaying with the family at the Koombana Caravan Park during the summer, Access to Blunder Mud Scramble was through the caravan park.
1962 - Photo's: John Dix.
Only a small portion of the tidel flats were the track was still remains, the man made sand dunes that were left over from the mining that started in the sixtees after the Bunbury Car Club moved to Blicks Raceway have been used to backfill some of the flats, The City of Bunbury has re-developed the whole site and returned it to a state of natural vegetation that attracts a large variation of wild-life, a mass of sealed walk trails and look out points are scattered through-out the area known as Paddy's Blunders, in fact it is beleived part of the old scramble track is under Koombana Drive.