31st October 1930
1930's - MOONAH SPEEDWAYMoonah Speedway was operating in 1930 - 1931 but the actual starting and finishing dates are not known at this point in time.
The speedway ran solo's and sidecar's with other novelty events including cycling, trotting and foot races, One such event was Ladies rocket race, This involved a lap by the sidecars with a lady passenger who at the end of the lap had to run to the centre of the speedway and light a skyrocket.
(Editorial John Campbell)
Thanks to John Campbell from NSW we have narrowed down the location to Hobart's new Sportsground on Sunderland Street and in 1936 Australia's biggest woolshed was built on the site, Sunderland Street is quite short, can you help.
Mark Dewsnap recalls: This was my hood as a kid, the wool sheds were huge and are now gone, but only in fairly recent years, On the location image below i have marked the location of the wool sheds and former race track.