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2018 - MARK DREW
Australia's quickest Nitro Harley rider, Mark Drew is ready to make a return to racing at the Perth Motorplex on the 10th of November 2018.
Drew has been very busy in the off season working hard to upgrade his 2 times Australian Championship winning Top Fuel Motorcycle.
Mark Drew recalls: I carried the front wheel over the finish line at 6.41 seconds with a speed of 360 kph, The next pass would have been a low 6.3 second pass, Got onto the brakes bit late running the bike out the back door, The motor never turned straight off and, boiled the brake fluid when getting on them hard, released them for as long as i could for them to cool but made very little difference, Rolled of the bike at the sand to try to avoid getting tangled up with it and big chance of being crushed and not being able to run 6.20 in a couple of months, except i was still doing over 160 kph i recon.
Dislocated shoulder, punchered lung, a few cracked ribs and put a hole to the bone on my knee about the size of a 50 cent coin, that they operated on this morning and closed it up, put my shoulder back in last night, I'm right to go soon as i can move again, I'm all good, Thanks heaps, Mark.