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8th December 1990
Mick Thomson recalls: while at Claremont Speedway one mid afternoon, while Con was entertaining some guests in the upper lounge area, a group of us had set up a little pit area on the infield, in the pit we had a collection of machines to turn in some demonstration laps, Bob Oleary had some solos there, Nashy had a sidecar and we had the Charlie West speedcar as well, The occasion was the un-vailing of the new headstone on Ron Johnsons paupers grave at Karrakatta Cemetery.
During the afternoon while these drivers and riders were running there machines around the track, an elderly man dressed in a short sleeve shirt, a pair of shorts and sandles, no one took too much notice of him until he asked if he could sit on one of the bikes, that was ok Bob said, straight away this bloke new a bit about solos, just by how he sat on the bike, so he asked him, would you like us to give you a push and you can do a few laps on the grass.
The man agreed and he was pushed away and started, after a short distance on the grass he ventured onto the dirt track and opened up the throttle, this unknown rider straight away assumed the position of a champion on the bike and poured on the power, setting a cracking pace around the big showground track.
No one could believe what they were seeing, Con rushed out from the stands, The idiot with no leathers and boots was at full race pace and in control.
As he backed off the throttle and rolled back onto the infield, the boys gathered around in dis-beleive, This mistery man with the worn out sandle removed his helmet and introduced himself as Tommy Price 1949 World Solo Champion.