=============== E d i t o r s D e s k ================
Hi! Welcome to Speedway Racing News and News No.1, Vol.1, This is the first regular monthly national speedway magazine - and we are very excited about its future.
We concider speedway to be one of Australia's truly national sports - there are circuits all over the country and each weekend an estimated 250,000 people go to their nearest speedway.
In the comming years we hope to be of assistance in the development of National Speedway. We will be looking at the problems, airing viewpoints, criticising decisions, supporting decisions.
We hope to provide the reader with a comprehensive knowledge of speedway and the people involved in conducting speedway in this country and New Zealand.
We are looking forward to your help - we need your direction and guidance, Which articles you prefer; should we do more track tests, use more colour photos, etc. Reader involvement cannot be too great. See you on the track.