pevious year www.speedwayandroadracehistory.com/1985-bunbury-speedway.html
1986 - BUNBURY SPEEDWAY SUPERBOWL OF MOTOCROSS 25th January 1986This meeting was the last Harrah for John Fenton Iam afraid, The speedway was suffering with cash flow problems and more than a few creditors were moving in.
John turned to his good friend Noel Bradford to join him in putting this massive Superbowl of Motorcross event on, and that's how it went down.
The Bunbury Car Club had lodged an injunction in the courts because of moneys outstanding to stop the show going ahead. But John and his team managed to have that overturned on the Friday afternoon, the day prior to the event.
The meeting was a massive success. But John had decided to walk, His relationship with the club was at an all time low and as both party's agreed the future was dead.
Bunbury Car Club welcomes Motorplay
1986 - BUNBURY CITY SPEEDWAY. GRAND RE-OPENING. 8th November 1986.The Bunbury Car Club by way of its Leasing and Fiancing committee (Graham Wheat, Allan Blake, and Terry Hudson) has struck a deal with Motorplay Australia Pty Ltd (Des Ferris, Harry Mullings, Bryan Mullings, and Kim Wilkie) to enter into a sub lease with the club, to take over the promotion of the Bunbury Speedway.
The night promised to be a big one, with a Super Skyshow Spectacular after event nine.
The meeting got underway with the official opening by City of Bunbury councillor Mr Ross Slater.
The Solo bikes kicked the racing off with special appearances from two of the greats from Claremont Speedway, "Mighty" Mick McKeon and Glyn Taylor. Our very own Bunbury rider Scott Fisher was also in the field and has been very inpressive since stepping up into the senior ranks.
Next were the big thunping sidecars as well as some Japanese outfits. Russell Mitchel and Tina Karen, Gero Joyve and Ken
Reinyker, Barry Farley and Pete Sullivan as well as Chris Gammidge and Craig Holland.
The Formula 500 line up was very impressive with our own Bunbury boy Vince Chapman currently carrying the Australia one honour, Stan McEntee, Bill Broadwood, Glen Perrett, Jeff Hancock and Phil Checkley just to mention a few.
The Modified Sedans that always put on a great show, The Guns were there, Darryl Thomson, Ivan Burke, Chris Withers, Max Dunston all from Bunbury. Wayne Millman fro the Collie RDA. Perry Smith from Narrogin. Shane McKenzie from the Augusta Margaret River club and Neil Landsmere from greater Perth region.
Limited Sprintcars same as the big 410's but with a smaller less horse power engine. Local driver Colin "Roo Dog" Resta leads the charge here in his Ford 302 Cobra powered car that runs fuel injection, Graham Werner, Ralph Melville, Les Snellin and Noel Edmunds.
What about Super Sedan's a masive amount of these cars turn up at many tracks around Western Australia. A full on Quality field here tonight, Merv Robinson and Bob Ness both from Katanning in Cobra Mustangs, Wayne Bird from the Narrogin club, Syd Stretfield, Neville Bornatici, Ross Mckenzie and Richard Nelson all from the Augusta Margaret River Club. Ray Green and Garry Sutton from the Waroona club.
The Open Sprintcars are a bit down on numbers. Local drivers John Krikke and Arthur Farr are set to take on Beaver Reynolds out Perth, Murray Haunsfield all the way from Esperance and Harley Day from Albany. A noteable exclusion is Ron Krikke, he is due back next meeting.