Aranui Speedway or Christchurch Speedway as is was often referred to opened as a motor cycle speedway track on the 29th of Jauary 1949, with a reported attendance of over ten thousand people.
The speedway was the result of Alec Pratt who headed up a group of speedway promotors named as, Christchurch Speedways Limited, This group moved a bunch of heavy earth moving machines in, starting in 1948, to create a cinders race track, with a spectator veiwing bank from this area of weld pine within the sand hills.
The track soon earned a reputation as one of the best in the world from overseas visitors.
Race programme's consisted of Motor Cycle racing, hosting the New Zealand Championship as well as teams racing with overseas riders, As time passed Sidecars were introduced as well as Midgets and Ultra Midgets for the kids.
In 1954 Stock Cars were introduced but only lasted two years as they cut up the track surface and would often damage the track fence when crashing.
By 1959 the track had closed, the reasons given were, Rising costs, Declining crowds and complaints from the ever encroaching housing developments.